Simon Borg-Olivier 6 days Seminar in Berlin, 2024

– Dates: 1 to 6 June 2024 –

The ONLY seminar with Simon Borg-Olivier taking place in Berlin 2024 thematizing posture, movement, breath & meditation! 



YogaAlliance CERTIFICATION of Attendance is possible (YACEP).


In this seminar, Simon Borg-Olivier, a research scientist and physiotherapist who has taught posture, movement and breathing for over 35 years, shows ways to energize, nourish and strengthen your body while developing blissful, grounded calmness.

Simon will show you how to move actively and fluidly from your core while initially allowing your body breathe for you while developing breath-control. You will be shown special types of core stabilisation for the whole body which can stabilise and nourish your joints and muscles, develop strength and flexibility, prevent and heal injuries and relieve physical pain. This practice allows you to develop fitness and internal health by using spinal movements and graded diaphragmatic breathing. The techniques taught in this workshop also help improving the digestion of food, absorption of nutrients, elimination of waste and stored toxins and support the health of the reproductive system.


***MORNING PRACTICE – 10 am to 1 pm

In the morning, Simon teaches a more meditative, fluid, and dynamic practice, including silent static meditation, chanting, self-massage, fluid joint exercises and spinal movements from the core, and static and dynamic breath-control exercises with music (of all types). We also practice various powerful and ancient internal cleansing exercises (kriya), many of which are hard to access elsewhere. Often, these practices can culminate into free dance and non-contact internal martial arts movements.


***MIDDLE SESSION – 1:30 pm to 2:30 pm / This session is an extra add-on from Simon for everyone who wants to learn more. You can participate or enjoy a longer break between the morning and afternoon practice

In the middle of the day, we have a 90 minutes for the more theoretical aspects of self-practice and the possibility of teaching others. Here, Simon also deals with individual musculoskeletal problems and medical conditions and helps people understand the nature of the therapeutic applications of posture, movement, breathing, and mental control. Simon shows participants how to use fundamental principles to help teach people in an individual or group situation. Some people might call this Yoga Therapy, but to Simon, it is the culmination of the understanding that he now has as a result of his decades of experience practicing and teaching as a physiotherapist and also in the fields of yoga, qigong, massage, internal martial arts and dance.


*** AFTERNOON PRACTICE – 3 to 6 pm

In the afternoon, Simon uses the Synergy System to practice postures, movements, and breathing that resemble the more normal vinyasa style taught in many modern yoga classes. These sessions will include an interactive theoretical workshop section where each exercise is analysed, practised with verbal cues, and then practised in a beautiful meditative way to music with only visual guidance. It is a very effective combination that trains your body to effectively practice without your mind interfering with the meditation.



1. If you don’t know Simon, then start with this video, which reflects Simon’s approach towards yoga practice and life itself.

2. Visit Simon’s Website.

3. Visit Simon’s Youtube channel.




Part attendance of this course is possible subject to space and numbers.

People new to working with Simon can only do part attendance if they attend at least the first two days.

People who have worked extensively with Simon can attend any day subject to checking with Simon.



Simon will give you a certificate of attendance which can be used for continuing education points with Yoga Alliance and other organisations.



The seminar takes place at a beautiful Eden, located central in Berlin-Pankow: Breite Straße 43, 13187 Berlin-Pankow, S-U Pankow. A huge garden and a cafe belong to this location.

1 and 2 of June 2024 – Studio 300 – 1st house front entrance ground floor

3 to 6 of June 2024 – Studio 150.2- 1st house back entrance 1st floor



Both collaborations are centrally located, allowing you to easily reach both seminar locations.

First Collaboration: Arte-Kunsthotel Luise, located in the heart of Berlin, has been secured. The hotel offers various rooms starting from 60 euros per night. Each room has been exclusively designed by a unique artist. With 50 rooms and 50 artists, you will embark on an impressive artistic journey. Participants of Reinhard’s Retreat will exclusively receive a 15% discount on the room rate.

The arrival/departure dates are changeable. Book your accommodation here:

Second Collaboration: Ferienwohnungen in Mitte Berlin Nordbahnhof. If you are interested in booking, contact the operator using their contact information and inquire about a discount for participants of the yoga seminar. You will receive a special price.

More information at: